As we all know, knitting and crocheting reduces stress and can also provide people with an opportunity to earn extra money and/or feel useful. It is for these reasons and more that some shelters hope to teach the residents how to crochet and knit.
By providing them with the basic items needed to learn these skills, we can help them achieve their goals. Specific instructions regarding the items we need for the Shelters who request them, will be included in the Challenge note.

-You may send used knitting needles and crochet hooks, but please do not send plastic knitting needles if they are bowed or bend. No 14” knitting needles, please.
-Yarn: Worsted or bulky preferred. No partial skeins or balls.
-Knitting needles: 8” or 10”, single or double point. Circulars are fine, too. Preferred sizes for knitting needles are 7, 8, 9, 10, 10 1/2, 11.
-Crochet hooks: Preferred sizes are G, H, I, J, and K.
-Scissors: We ask that scissors be children’s blunt tipped scissors. They are sharp enough for yarn and kids can use them, too.

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